Anyways, Aslan - yes, our lovely cleaning lady Vicky apparently enjoys fantasy fiction/cinema - is currently dancing all around the house, being a madman. Apparently - though this beggars belief - he's been jumping through windows...spry little bugger!
As for me, I officially finished my 27th chapter of my novel last night! 'T'was an exciting chapter, full of mystery, intrigue and...exposition of my Magic system. That's right, it's taken me 27 chapters to actually explain how Magic works in my metaphysical world. Probably not the wisest move, but never came up! Managed to correct most of my grammatical mistakes myself - though I probably missed about a hundred of them, because I am Captain Ungrammatical after all (you know...Captain Obvious and General Obscure's penniless cousin twice removed...)
There was also a silly person who claimed that the Xbox was huge and ugly when compared to his slim, sleek PS3. The picture left proves otherwise...but hey, whatever. Self-delusion is a human right...right? Or at least, I certainly hope it is, because people seem to do it a lot...much like I'm deluding myself that there's a chance anyone is a) reading this and b) enjoying it. So I shall stick to it, thank you very much!
Ah yes, and to end - a song recommendation. My buddy Nate (yes, I called him Nate) sent me a version of 'All Along the Watchtower' by The Paperboys (not just Paperboys - their music is awful), and it's fantastic. I've apparently got a deep-seeded love of Celtic Rock, but y'know...whatever.
To finish...a Scrubs quote.
"P.O. That's 'Peace Out'." *leaves*
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