What a fantastic idea! I was dead chuffed, and have had my bloodlust sated for the week!
Okay, so not every Blog post has to be devoid of shameless advertising - but I've always maintained that digital content delivery is the way forward - it's one of the reasons that the HD media war doesn't interest me too much. And I think Valve are doing a fantastic job in pioneering it for the video game industry!
I like toast! Well, not every thought is a winner. But Scrubs has once again proved to me that it's never going to get old. I just finished watching series' 1-6 on DVD/online, and I have to say I laughed at every joke that I've laughed at in the past. I honestly don't believe there's a better comedy show on TV at the moment. Can't wait for season 7!
And that's it.
Good eve, all!
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