Argh! Broke my damn laptop's keyboard. Was trying to clean the damn thing, and it appears the the G and H keys have slightly more delictate parts than I originally anticipated. Suffice to say, plastic has broken, and now the damn things only barely work. Although it seems that Dell laptops have easily replaceable keyboards, so I'll just have to find somewhere to acquire one, and then I can re-fit it myself.

Anyways! This comes to you from my fancy new wireless keyboard. Procured it from Curries, bundled with a wireless mouse that is suspiciously similar to my wired one, for the rather reasonable sum of £39.99. Not bad, though I do say so myself. Also get a cable to connect my PC to my TV, so that the wireless-ness of the keyboard is justified in the long run. Y'know...connect to the TV, then have long-distance, high-definition, big-screen internet surfing! Pretty cool, I reckon.
Had to ban myself from playing Halo 3. The game just frustrates the hell out of me, and I know exactly why. The bloody rank system. It simply doesn't allow you to be good at it - or at least, it doesn't allow people who aren't cosmically good at Halo to shine. Take, for instance, Call of Duty 4; even if you're in a match where there's somewhere who's infinitely better than you, if you're even remotely good at the game, chances are you'll do well. Unless every person on the other team is infinitely better than you. Problem is, with Halo, you are
guaranteed to reach a point where every person on the opposing team is far, far better at the game than you. And so you just lose game after game after game after game. And let me be the first to say that losing 14 matches of slayer in a row is ridiculously frustrating. So yes, in an attempt to preserve the money invested in both my controller and our flat, I have banned myself from playing that game.

So! I have gone back to Call of Duty once again, and am enjoying being relaxed. Plus, it seems I've picked the perfect time to do so, as the new maps are going to be released shortly. Think that might be one of the things that I splash out my precious XBL Points on. Anything to change up the maps...I hate to admit it, but they're becoming a wee bit stale.

Was horribly sick on Friday and Saturday - no idea why, but I have an inkling it was to do with a chippy I had on Thursday night - so I've been doing quite a bit of surfing; found loads of great stuff.
Like the trailer(s) for WALL•E. Suffice to say, it looks like Pixar's next outing into movie-world will be another palatable hit.
Ctrl+Alt+Del too has providing momentary and fleeting spats of humour, which have helped passed the time between stomach cramps!
So that's it for now. Absolute bollocks, as usual, but this time not only was it figurative bollocks, but also rather manifest ones. God dammit.
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