So there we go. Scotland, against all odds, defeat England for the Calcutta Cup 2008. Well, the first of the 2008 Calcutta Cups, seeing as there's going to be two this year, mainly thanks to the absence of one last you, which is in turn thanks to the rugby world cup. Joys, eh? Anyways, absolutely brilliant game. Not exactly the prettiest - errors were made on both sides worryingly frequently, and the referee was a pile of ass and bad decisions - but definitely on of the more exciting ones I've seen in my 8 years of going to Murrayfield. Particularly delicious was the fact that Johnny 'I'm the best kicker in the world, honest' Wilkinson managed to miss a kick which Dan 'I can kick, honest' Parks slotted right between the posts. So no, Johnny; you're not the best kicker in the world. That little honour just so happens to be awarded to the smiling mug in the photo above. 30 kicks in a row without missing. Simply put, the man has a magic boot. Chris Paterson, I salute you mate!
Not much else been going on, so I shall bid you all adieu. Going to see Jumper tomorrow night, so will post a review of that when one is written. Laters, ladies!
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